

moving towards a simpler life


January 2017

A Simpler, More Joyful Life

Life is no way near perfect, and neither am I. The key to a simpler, more joyful life is accepting that and building on the good parts.


I'm thinking to much about habits, and forgetting to practice them. Time for a Reboot.

Habit changing Strategies

How do you change your habits? Inspirational reading and my way.


Not my usual kind of post, a little excursion from the everyday.

Our Habits Make Us

Our life is built by our daily habits - even more than we think. Change your habits and your life will be different as well.

Sleep Tight

I'm not sleeping well. In order to sleep better, I'm going to sleep boot camp.

The Power of Habits

The brains ability to create automated tasks and habits can be of great help. When it works.

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